
Self-Carbon-Neutral Energy System! Taiwa...

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Self-Carbon-Neutral Energy System! Taiwan XX Tech Successfully Develops Artificial Photosynthesis Helmet

Self-Carbon-Neutral Energy System! Taiwan XX Tech Successfully Develops Artificial Photosynthesis Helmet

*April 1, 2024, Taipei*

Taiwan XX Tech recently achieved a technological breakthrough by developing a self-carbon-neutral energy system. This innovative system is applicable to all types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, trains, subways, and high-speed rail. The key component is an artificial photosynthesis helmet, which harnesses sunlight to drive vehicles without any external fuel.


Here's how the system works:

1. Sunlight Absorption and CO₂ Conversion: When exposed to sunlight, the artificial photosynthesis helmet absorbs carbon dioxide (CO₂). This CO₂ is then converted into electrical power by a system called "G1." As a byproduct of this process, oxygen is generated—essential for sustaining human and other biological life.

2. Nighttime Oxygen Conversion: During nighttime when there is no sunlight, the system absorbs oxygen and converts it into power, simultaneously releasing CO₂. This process mirrors the way plants operate through photosynthesis.

The prototype of this energy system has already been installed on electric motorcycles and successfully tested. The main component is a helmet capable of absorbing sunlight and CO₂. It is connected to the energy system via a bio-mimicking vine.

Although the system generates sufficient power to drive electric motorcycles, both daytime CO₂ conversion and nighttime oxygen conversion produce heat, making prolonged wear of the helmet currently impractical. However, once heat dissipation issues are resolved, each passenger wearing the helmet will significantly enhance the vehicle's energy production, moving us closer to sustainable, perpetual energy.

Taiwan XX Tech also revealed that they are actively developing other artificial photosynthesis products, with plans for mass production by the year 5487 AD. At that time, Earth will not only achieve 100% carbon neutrality in energy but also realize true energy freedom—a historic milestone for humanity.

**Please note that this article is just for fun only. The content and company are entirely fictional. Wishing everyone a happy April Fools' Day!**


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